Saturday, August 4, 2012

Oily Skin Care Tips

In this article you will find some useful tips to determine whether you have an oily skin followed by oily skin care advices.

The oily skin is thick and it shines as result of excessive secretion of sebum. Most often the oily skin has grayish-gold color. You can see a lot of extended skin pores and sometimes zits and blackheads as well. At the age of puberty it often shows problems with acne. This type of complexion requires a careful facial care.
There is also a positive aspect of oily skin: it is supposed to age later and to have less wrinkles that other skin types.
How to test whether you have an oily skin? To determine that, simply press a tissue to the face. The presence of the oil on the tissue generally indicates the oily skin type.

Olive Oil For Soft Hands And Feet: Natural Recipes Not Only For Dry Skin

Beneficial properties of olive oil are well known throughout the world. We use it in the kitchen to enrich our meals in terms of taste and nutritional values.
Did you know that olive oil can be a great natural cosmetic as well?
What makes the olive oil so valuable for the skin:
- Olive oil contains omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids, which keeps your skin soft and smooth to the touch
- It is rich in monosaturated fats, that are known to have big importance to our health
- Olive oil is filled with vitamin E (especially the extra-virgin unrefined / unprocessed / olive oil ) that is a famous antioxidant. It prevents oxidation in skin cells so, as a result, skin looks much younger and less wrinkles appear in the skin surface.
Benefits of the olive oil to your skin:
- Extra virgin oil moisturizes the skin. It can be very effective if you have extremely dry skin
- It will make your hands baby soft and smooth
- It can help with scars: olive oil will not erase them out, but it can reduce the scar redness and soften it definitely
- It diminishes wrinkles and makes skin look younger in a natural way.
On the market there are many companies that offer cosmetics and beauty products based on olive oil, like soaps, body wash, face creams, body scrubs (with olive seed powder ) etc.
In this article I will give you some homemade treatments based on olive oil to make your hands and feet silky soft.
So... What to buy it? How to pick the best olive oil?
- Choose extra-virgin olive oil (olio extra vergine - this is the highest quality oil) or virgin olive oil in order to achieve the most antioxidant benefits. Virgin means it was produced without chemicals
- The colour should be greenish
- The best type of olive oil is cold pressed, because this way of production helps to preserve the richness of nutrients.


How To Select The Best Lighting For Perfect Make-Up Done?

It often happens that make-up made in the bathroom looks bad in the day light - it is too strong and looks like a mask.
Why it happens? It's all about proper lighting. Light bulb mounted above the mirror tends to change the image of the face that we see in the mirror. Therefore, we put to much foundation base, rouge and other beauty cosmetics.
Below: examples of non-uniform lighting - to avoid! :)
examples of bad face lighting when trying to put perfect make-up
The easiest way to do a perfect make-up is when the lamp is located on both sides of the mirror or in front of your face.
examples of good face lighting when trying to put perfect make-up
Face is uniformly illuminated from the right and left
No way to change the lighting in the bathroom? Don't worry! Put make-up near to the window or simply apply less foundation than usual. If it is possible, you may also like to complete the make-up at work, while at home you limit the make-up to the minimum: powder your face and apply mascara only.

Lip Care: 5 Natural Tips For Healthy And Sensual Lips.

Healthy lips are beautiful and make you look attractive, even if you apply only a transparent lip gloss instead of a lipstick. Moreover, applying lipstick to dry and chapped lips drives attention to your lips - but the only thing that people notice is the fact they are dry. So the proper lip care is very important to look pretty.
Below you will find 5 major reasons of dry lips followed by advices how to prevent the dryness in order to achieve healthy, sensual and attractive lips.
1. Too much sun exposure
Always use moisturizer lotion that will make your lips soft. When you go out (especially when you go sunbathing), apply a lip balm that contains a SPF. The best choice is a sun-blocker or high protection factor - at least SPF 10.
2. Lack of protection in the winter
To protect you lips in the winter, use special lip balm designed to apply in cold temperatures (ask in the store in case of any doubts about a certain product). You can apply a little bit of Vaseline as well. Another great natural remedy for dry lips is an olive oil mask - simply massage your lips with few drops of the oil and they will become smooth.
3. Dehydration
It is extremely important to drink at least 8 glasses of water per day - to hydrate all your body, not only your lips :) . You may also drink a glass of fresh carrot juice that contains a lot of vitamin A and other mineral substances that are required to maintain healthy skin and lips.
4. Licking lips - don't do that under any circumstances! It will make them even more dry than before. Apply an unflavored lip balm on your lips instead.
5. Allergy to cosmetics or wrong lipstick
Sometimes lips can become very dry and irritated because of allergy to skin care products, toothpaste or make-up cosmetics. In this case the only way to solve the problem is to throw away the cosmetic you are allergic to and to buy another one. You should choose also lipsticks that contain natural moisturizing ingredients and vitamins, for example smoothing lanoline or vitamin E.

Natural Recipes: Homemade Body Scrubs Full Of Fruits

We used to exfoliate our body with body brushes, body scrub cosmetics, loofah or sponges & CO.
Most of those works really well, but why not to try some natural body scrubs that you can easily make yourself at home? I would like you to try some homemade fruity scrubs. They are 100% natural and contain a lot of natural vitamins and enzymes present in fresh fruit. They will take care of your skin gently to make it glowing. What is more, they smell really nice.
We can use many different ingredient to prepare body scrub - below you will find the following recipes:
* Papaya & coconut flakes body scrub
* Ripe strawberry & coffee scrub
* Fresh peach and almond natural scrub
* Kiwi & oatmeal natural body peeling

How To Diminish Dark Under-Eye Circles In A Natural Way

Dark circles are a nightmare for a lot of people, not only women, but also men, regardless of their age. If you are one of them, you may like some tips you can find in this article.
What to do in order to diminish dark circles and to stop worry about them?
beautiful eyes without dark, violet  circlesOne of the most popular ways to hide them is to cover it with make-up base or mineral powder, however this method not always gives desired results, and of course - it only hides the problem, not solves it.
Anyway, sometimes we are quite happy just with temporary and quick results. In this case you may like to try this make-up trick: in order to make dark circles less visible within few seconds, apply a little bit of white eye shadow under your eyes with a small soft brush. Don't put too much of the cosmetic - just a small touch of the white shadow will make dark circles less visible and it gives a very natural look. You may use also a very light powder instead (pale color, pearl color).
If you have a little bit of free time, you may also like to try some natural, homemade tips and recipes.
One of the most popular ways to diminish circles (and puffiness as well) is to apply a cotton ball moistened with a cool black tea brew under your eyes for 10-20 minutes and relax. Less known tip is to use camomile or linden brews instead of the black tea. Feel free to try them as well, but only if you are not allergic to those herbs.

Apples And Raspberries In Oily Skin Care

Natural Recipes For Oily Complexion And Combined Skin

ripe raspberries
Fruit essences often make part of skin care products because of their beneficial properties. However, it is also easy to prepare some fruit mask yourself at home. If you have oily or combined skin - it may love to be treated with apple or raspberry masks.
Why raspberries can make your skin beautiful?
They are a very rich source of natural vitamin C and organic acids. That softens and smoothens your skin. Raspberries are also great to relax and refresh greasy and combined skin quickly. Raspberry mask tends to normalize the sebum secretion too.
Why apple can make your skin healthier?
This popular fruit contains organic acids that are able to exfoliate dead skin cells in a very gentle way. Thanks to this property tired and unhealthy complexion becomes smooth and glowing. Apple extract has also anti-bacterial properties, so mask with this fruit can be very helpful to normalize the oily complexion and to diminish acne problems.
How to prepare homemade treatment with those fruits?
You can start with the simplest recipes ever - take a handful of ripe raspberries or one apple, mash it until smooth with a fork in a small container and then apply to your face for 10-20 minutes, then rinse off with a warm water (in case of apples it may be easier to grate them). Do not apply the mask to your eye zone! If the pulp is too watery, you can add a tablespoon of potato starch to thicken the pulp.
This is the basic recipe. In case you discover that apples / raspberries are tolerated very well by your skin, you can enrich the recipe by adding a little bit of honey or a few drops of lemon juice to the apple mask or experiment by adding 2-3 fresh basil leafs to the raspberry mask.

Would You Say That Chocolate Can Be Beneficial For Your Skin?

Although chocolate works great to improve our mood or to diminish the stress level (thanks to magnesium - a natural stress reducer), many of us loves it simply because it's tasty. Of course, it is also rich in calories, but if you have a balanced diet, a little bit of this sweet pleasure will not ruin your weight :-)
Did you know that chocolate has also some beauty benefits?
What makes it so powerful? Cocoa!
chocolate as a natural cosmetic for your skinCocoa - its main ingredient - is a rich source of antioxidants, that protect the body from aging, and flavonoids which are helpful to improve the blood pressure and circulation, accelerating the process of getting rid of body toxins too. Since cocoa is also loaded with caffeine, which speeds up the process of fat burning, we can find it as an ingredient of some anti-cellulite products.
Also the cocoa butter is extremely beneficial to your skin - it moisturizes and softens the chapped skin. That is why the chocolate is often used in beauty care. You can find it in body balms, shower gels (my recent discovery: coconut-chocolate shower gel, it smells sooo nice!) or bubble baths. Some beauty salons offers also relaxing and skin nourishing body massages with warm chocolate. Why not to try it one day?

Make Your Skin Smooth With Almonds

Almonds are rich in natural skin nourishing substances such as: vitamin A and vitamins from B group, as well as minerals: calcium, potassium, phosphorus and sulphur.
You can take advantage of almonds benefits both from inside (just by eating few pieces of almond once or twice a week as a healthy snack) and from outside. There are lots of options to benefit from almonds.
almonds1. Almond essences are often used in cosmetic sector to enrich soaps, bubble bath, body creams or after sun cosmetics. Simply check in your favourite shop ;)
2. Almond oil is rich in lipids - it makes it a great natural remedy to regenerate lipids at the skin surface, to make the skin smooth and supple. Almond oil can be used to cure eczema, psoriasis and to heal skin irritations. That's why it is often used in cosmetology as an important ingredient of dry and sensitive skin creams, shampoo and masks for dry and damaged hair.
3. Fine-grained almonds are efficient to cleanse and scrub the skin. You may find it in body scrubs or... prepare a nourishing peach and almond body scrub yourself at home.

Skin Care: How To Improve Condition Of Dry Skin?

For many people it is hard thing to improve the condition of dry skin. Nevertheless, many women have their own vision about making the skin beautiful. Those, who has lots of money buys expensive cosmetics, thinking that it will surely help them. Unfortunately, those kind of people get disappointed very fast, because of lack of good influence of cosmetics or even by seeing that their skin goes worse, than it was before. However, there is much better way to refresh our skin, paying very less money. Those are homamade masks, known and used already by our grandmothers long time ago. There are many different types of house-masks, but we have to fit those proper ones for each of us. Before choosing mask, we have to get to know which kind of skin we have. Then we can start with improving condition of our skin at once. Below, you can see formulas, how to make natural facial masks for each of us.

Skin Care in a Nutshell

I love how there are so many articles dedicated to this area, when it is in fact very simple.

DISCLAIMER: I know nothing of specific skin disorders. For that type of information, I suggest you see a dermatologist. This article is about GENERAL skin care advice
Taking care of your skin is incredibly easy, and is actually a byproduct of living a healthy life. Like many other things, if you simply take care of the cause then the symptoms will naturally disappear. Our body is designed to naturally have healthy skin, so skin care is all about letting your body do it's job.
Straight up, there are 4 main things that will improve your skin:

Home SPA

SPA in your own bathroom is a great idea for the weekend. Beauty treatments will take you few hours, so you can do it even if you are a busy mum. Those beauty moments will bring you back chill, relax and naturally beautiful and soft skin.
Aromatic bath
natural skin treatments are great to maintain your body in a good shapeYou should start the homemade treatments with a relaxing bath that will make you feel good and relaxed. Add some honey, milk, herbs or a softening bath salt. After 15 minutes you will notice softer and smoother skin.
One of the basic beauty treatments is a regular body scrub. Natural scrub will remove dead skin cells and make your skin smooth to touch and ready for the next beauty procedure. One of the recipes:
Homemade body scrub:
Take a spoon of bath gel, add a teaspoon of olive oil and 3 spoons of salt or sugar. Blend together and massage the whole body with a circular motion. Then rinse off.
You can find more homemade body scrubs here

4 Steps To Smooth Cleavage

How to care about your skin in order to get smooth and beautiful cleavage? Here you'll find 4 easy steps to achieve that.
1. Bet on the purification
smooth cleavageTo wash instead traditional bar of soap, which dries the skin, use a soft gels or oils. Once a week use an enzyme or a fine scrub. The exfoliation of the top layer of your skin will stimulate the process of renewal, illuminating and beautifully smoothening your skin. it will also facilitate the absorption of active ingredients of creams.
2. Use a special cream
After cleansing, always lubricate it with cream. The best formulas are designed for the care of neck and shoulders, because they have a recipe tailored to the needs of delicate skin (look for neck and chin cream at you beauty store). They contain antioxidants, which delay aging and moisturizing ingredients, nutritional or Lifting (such as vitamin A, E, C, flavonoids, coenzyme Q10, ceramides). Apply cosmetics from bottom to top, then the skin will not be unnecessarily stretched.
3. Make Massage
One hour before the meeting wrap an ice cube with a tissue and massage the skin with soft circular motions. Move the cube from the breast toward the chin. This treatment should last no longer than 2 minutes. The neckline will be more firm and elastic.
4. Make Up
If you are going to a gala dinner, touch slightly your skin with the powder containing gold flecks - it will make your cleavage shine.
I hope this tips will help you to achieve smoothly beautiful cleavage

Beautiful Back - How to Achieve Velvetly Soft Back?

Are you dreaming of velvety soft back? Here is how to achieve that.
We often forget about the daily care of our backs. It is worth it to change, especially when the carnival in full and there are many opportunities to wear sexy tops and dresses with the neckline at the back.
When the skin is dry
If your problem is dry skin, choose a a quick shower instead of hot bath . To wash it take a product without soap that contains lubricants and greasing ingredients (eg lipids, lactic acid, fatty acids, urea, vitamins A and E).
beautiful backRub shoulders in the shower with a hard brush or a special belt every day. Once a week do a gentle scrub. Thanks to scrub treatment skin will quickly absorb the nutrients balm.
When the skin is oily
When acne appears on the back, you should care about the skin as oily facial skin . Wash it with anti-bacterial gel, and every few days apply your facial mask to cleanse the back. You can choose one with anti-acne ingredients, such as clay.
Once a week, peel back with a gentle, enzymatic peeling ( you could scratch pimples with a coarse one.)
In emergency situations, when pimple appears in a conspicuous place , spread an anti-bacterial, drying gel. Before going to the party, treat the skin with the equalizer and facial powder.
When you go to the party.
Before the event brush shoulders and back with brightening lotion, or sweep them with loose powder with golden flecks.

Homemade Acne Remedies

Acne products sold by big companies often contain chemicals that can irritate the skin. If you have some spare time during the day, you may be willing to try one of the natural acne remedies proposed below. Additionally, the most of the ingredients you will find in your kitchen and they won't cost you a lot. They will help you clear up your acne in a natural way.
Natural Acne Remedy - Lemon Juice Mask
Take one lemon and squeeze the juice into a glass container. Add the same amount of pure water. Apply carefully to your face with a cotton pad. Avoid touching your eyes! Leave it on for 5-10 minutes and rinse off afterwards with a lukewarm water. This lemon recipe is very easy to prepare and contains antibacterial and exfoliating properties.
Homemade Anti-Acne Recipe - Oatmeal Mask
Cook 5 tablespoons of oatmeal for 5-6 minutes in a little amount of water. Then let it set for 3 minutes. Apply a tablespoon or two of honey in the container, then mix. The honey will make it easier to stick the mask to your face. Apply on your face - but remember to wait until it's not hot anymore! Then leave the mask on for about 10-15 minutes and then simply rinse off with warm water, pat skin dry.
The Oatmeal Mask will help you to clean your face in a gentle way. Your skin will remain fresh and smooth.

Acne diet

Although many sources says that there is no medical proof that diet has anything to do with acne, there are countless of acne sufferers that notice changes in their skin condition caused by several foods. Even if you do not believe that acne can be diminished with certain foods, you can make a trial and observe if changing diet habits will change also your skin condition. Moreover, changing your diet to amore healthy one (with the right balance of nutrients, vitamins and drinking plenty of water; as well as eating and drinking on a regular basis) will help your immunological system to work better and you should feel better as well.
Are you ready to check if pimples will diminish after changing your diet? Read on.


Acne causes and myths

Causes of acne
Exactly why some people get acne and some do not is not completely known. These can cause acne, or make it worse:
* Hormonal fluctuation
* Hyperactive sebaceous glands
* Stress
* Many dead skin cells staying on the skin
* Bacteria in the pores
* Skin irritation or scratching of any sort
* Chlorine
Acne myths
There are many incorrect ideas about the causes for acne. Many people believe these false ideas:
* Diet. It is possible that eating different foods can help clear acne for some people. But the relationship between food and acne has not been proven. Chocolate, chips, sugar, milk, seafood and other food do not cause acne. The effect of diet varies from person to person, no scientific evidence has been brought forth to prove or disprove that diet has any effect on acne.
* Sex. Some people think that both celibacy (no sex) and masturbation are causes for acne. This is not true. Although sexual activity produces hormonal changes in our bodies, these are completely normal and should have no effect on acne.

Article source:

What is Acne?

Acne is an infection of the skin, caused by changes in the sebaceous glands.

The sebaceous glands secrete an oily substance called sebum which function is to protect and waterproof hair and skin, and keep them from becoming dry. If too much sebum is produced, it is common that oils from the glands combine with dead skin cells to block hair follicles. Under the blocked pore, oil builds up. Skin bacteria can then grow very quickly. This infection makes the skin become swollen and red, which becomes visible. The redness comes from the inflammation of the skin in response to the infection.
While the most common form of acne is called acne vulgaris, which means common acne, there are also other types of acne and acne-related skin diseases like:
Acne fulminans
Acne medicamentosa
The most common places for acne to happen are: face, back, chest and shoulders.
Acne is most common during adolescence, affecting more than 85% of teenagers. For most people acne diminishes over time, but it is impossible to predict how long it will take to disappear entirely. Some individuals will continue to suffer well into their thirties and beyond.
The most common effects that acne can cause are:
Skin becomes more sensitive and painful to physical contact
Reduced self-esteem, which can cause depression.
Acne lesions are commonly referred to as pimples, zits, spots, or acne.


Acne tips for teens

Developing acne has been a constant source of embarrassment, and fear, among teenagers. This is specifically hyped up because the image conscious society has convinced these young people that true beauty lies in silky smooth skin. Even just a couple of zits turn out to be the biggest nightmare of all, especially if a school dance, a prom or a big date is just days away.
Have you ever found yourself at your wits end trying to find ways to manage your skin problem? Well the good news is that there are ways to prevent and treat acne. So fret no more since here are some acne tips for teens and to clear them as fast as possible:
Wash your face no more than twice a day with warm water and mild acne soap. Gently massage your face in circular motions. Do not scrub. Do you know that over-washing and scrubbing can cause skin to become irritated? After cleansing, dermatologists recommend applying an over-the-counter lotion containing benzoyl peroxide that will decrease oil and bacteria.
No popping!
You may hate acne so much that you are tempted to immediately get rid of them by popping them out. This is a very bad idea since popping them can push infected material further into skin, leading to more swelling and redness and even scarring. What's worse, this could cause infection and might need hospital confinement for treatment.

Top 20 Add-Ons For Firefox and More….

Here is a collection of BEST-OF-THE-BEST firefox add-ons..
If you ever wanted the full power of Firefox ..try all of them and see why firefox is celebrated as the World`s best Browser..

Speed Up Firefox
1.)Adblock Plus
2.)Firefox Showcase
3.)Foxmarks Bookmark Synchronizer
4.)CookieCuller Extended Cookie Manager
5.)CustomizeGoogle Enhance Google search results by adding or removing information
Automatically synchronize multiple computers
6.)Fullerscreen Truly full screen
7.)GButts Display all of your Google Services as buttons
8.)GMail Manager
9.)McAfee SiteAdvisor
10.)Restart Firefox
11.)Screengrab! Captures entire web pages no matter how long they are
12.)Session Manager Saves and restores the state of all windows/tabs
14.)Tab Mix Plus
15.)Toolbar Buttons There are now 95 buttons for Firefox, 58 for Thunderbird, and 26 for Sunbird
18.)Google Bookmarks Button
19.)IE Tab
20.)Yahoo! Mail Notifier

Pomodoro Timer in Ubuntu

I finally decided to try Pomodoro technique to see how well it can improve my productivity as I am a lot disorganised, lazy sorta geek (well who isn’t?). So I built up a small script which acts as a Pomodoro timer for me using Ubuntu notification system (Do read it if you haven’t, you need to install lib-notify package for this script to work).
I have created a launcher in my top panel, with which I start a new pomodori (name for a new period of time, lets call it a Pomodoro anyway). It calls up the script which alerts me that a new Pomodoro (time period) has started and then alert me again when the timer ends and I should take a small break.
Here is the script:

Pagination approach using get_posts() in WordPress

Yesterday, I talk about using WP_query or query_posts or get_posts and today I am going to explain the approach I use to have pagination using get_posts(). The other two methods take care of the pagination by them self by just passing the paged parameter along with the function call. But get_posts() is more of a raw function which I used to create paginated data on the basis of already existing pagination.
Here for the sake of explanation of approach, I am making the content paginated where content is already paginated. We will make our extra content work in order to the global $paged variable.

WordPress plugin Facebook Like Thumbnail Updates

I have updated my WordPress plugin to fix Facebook Like Thumbnails to version 0.2 which I am sure will make the existing users happy! :)
Some of the users who quickly upgraded might be facing issues because of a silly mistake on my part. If the plugin has disappeared from the plugins listing, then you would have to delete the folder “facebook-like-thumbnail” folder in your plugins folder (/wp-content/plugins/) and then reinstall the plugin by typing “Facebook Like Thumbnail” in Add New Plugins screen. I apologise for the issue, please excuse me, I am not used to pushing updates to public repositories.
The plugin now features an options pages which can be found under Settings > Facebook Like Thumbnail. You can specify your default thumbnail image on that page, no more code edits are required. This was a necessary move as the users would have to edit the plugin to specify their default image after every upgrade.

Fetch comments of a specific category in WordPress

WordPress already provides an easy function for fetching the comments get_comments() but the function only supports fetching comments of a particular user, or for a particular post and not fetching comments of a particular category. The code for the former two cases, is pretty simple but the last one is not so simple. Here are the code snippets as examples:

Fetching Comments of a particular user

1$args = array( 'number' => 10, 'status' => 'approve', 'user_id' => 1 );
2$comments_list_by_user = get_comments( $args );
3print_r ( $comments_list_by_user );

Fetching Comments of a particular post

1$args = array( 'number' => 10, 'status' => 'approve', 'post_id' => 30 );
2$comments_list_post = get_comments( $args );
3print_r ( $comments_list_post );


Update Kaspersky Internet Security 2009 offline

is is article is about how you can update your Kaspersky Internet Security 2009 without any internet connection. It should work for Kaspersky Antivirus 2009 too but I haven’t tried it.
First you will need a computer installed with Kaspersky Internet Security which has access to internet from where you can copy the downloaded updates and then apply them to other computers which don’t have access to internet.

Download and Save Updates

kaspersky internet security
  • Open application and select settings.
  • Select Updates and then again settings.
  • Under the Additional tab, select the option “Copy Updates to folder” and give a path where you would like to store the update files.
  • Update your Kaspersky product and the updates will be copied to the folder you specified in previous step.

Download Yahoo messenger directly instead of Online installer

If you have downloaded yahoo messenger, you must be aware of the fact that you can’t download Yahoo messenger directly. When you download it, you actually download a Online installer which installs the Yahoo messenger online. And you don’t have a copy of setup too. While having a chat discussion with Nspeaks (a guy who always have a answer of my queries), he told me about this little trick that allows me to download the messenger directly without the need of downloading that crappy online installer.
The trick is to add y before the filename of the online installer in the url and you can directly download the full messenger setup. When you click Download Yahoo Messenger,download starts and you have this in the page:
Right Click on click here to copy the link and this is your URL for online installer.


Write protect your USB/Thumb/Pen Drive

It happens with me many time that I had to copy some files from my pen drive to our college lab and the moment I plugged in my pen drive, it gets infected with dozens of viruses. Yes, its true that our college labs are too infected. Now before I can use the pen drive again, I need to make sure to clean it first so that the virus may not spread on more computers. I scan for my pen drive using NOD32 and no doubt it completely remove all traces of virus but it wastes my time as I always have over 2 GB of files that I carry with me all the time.
So I came to know of this trick of write protecting the drive so that I can safely copy things I want without the worry of virus being copied on my USB drive. Although you won’t be able to write any thing on your pen drive, its still very useful in case you want something to copy from your pen drive and don’t want to get infected. Before proceeding I must tell you that playing with the registry can be harmful for your Operating System (OS) and I advise you to take a backup of your registry in case anything goes wrong. Read how to Backup Windows Registry.

Connect Internet through AirTel Mobile Office

Since our college is in the outskirts of city and there is no provision of internet in our hostel, the only way to get connected to internet is to access internet through one of the dial up services like AirTel, Idea, BSNL etc. This tutorial shows how to access internet through AirTel Mobile Office (MO) on your computer (Desktop/Laptop) via Data Cable / Bluetooth. I have cover here the method of setting up a Nokia phone (my Nokia 3230) on windows with the help of Nokia PC Suite. If you want to setup connection without installing PC Suite, then you will need to contact AirTel for providing you manual settings. Apart from this, I will be only using the PC Suite to setup access for the first time and then there is no need of PC Suite software.


Nokia 5310 Xpressmusic Review

Keeping this review of Nokia 5310 XpressMusic straight to the point. Lets take a quick look at the technical specifications of this phone.

Specifications of Nokia 5310 XpressMusic

Almost all the details can be found in the factsheet. To make it quick, I would like to point out a few features of this phone myself. It is a sleek music phone which comes with a awesome 2″ TFT Million color screen. It has a 2MP camera without flash, supports Micro SD card of upto 4GB capacity and also supports Bluetooth 2.0 + EDR with many features like audio video remote, object push, SIM access etc.


How to safely remove your USB drive when Safely Remove Hardware icon disappears from the system tray

Many times it might have happened with you that Safely remove hardware icon disappears from the system tray and you are unable to safely remove your USB/Pen drive. Pulling out the USB/Pen drive is not recommended in such a case as it might prove to be harmful for the life of your USB/Pen drive.
There is a setting for the USB drives which tells the OS how to optimize their usage. Either it is optimized for Quick Removal or for Performance. To check it, do the following:
  • Right click on the USB drive icon in My Computer.
  • Select the Hardware tab.
  • Select your USB drive and click on Properties.
  • Now click on Policies tab.

How to transfer files between computer and mobile device using bluetooth

What is Bluetooth? How can I have it on my computer?
Bluetooth wireless technology is a communication technology that allows two devices to communicate wirelessly. Most of the notebooks are nowadays equipped with bluetooth. For those notebooks or computers that don’t, you can use a bluetooth dongle to add the functionality and it just costs you around $5. Although higher price range bluetooth dongles are available but it makes no sense of buying them if you just plan to connect your mobile device to the computer. Look for one that has Bluetooth v2.0 + EDR (Enhance Data Rate) supporting speeds of upto 3Mbps and with Vista support. You can easily have one of that kind in just $5.

Remove Windows Genuine Notification

I recently again came up with the situation that Windows Genuine Notification popped up because Windows Update again installed it via Automatic Updates. It pops up while a user logs in to windows, displays a message near the system tray and keeps on reminding you in between work that the copy of windows is not genuine. It has been reported since its first release that even genuine users are getting this prompt, so Microsoft has them self release instructions for its removal. When I searched on Google about this issue, I landed up on pages which were providing many methods of its removal including those patching up existing files with their cracked versions which I would highly recommend avoiding them as they might contain malicious code and can be used to get you into more trouble.
I found out this method of removal of Windows Genuine Notification :
  1. Launch Windows Task Manager.
  2. End wgatray.exe process in Task Manager.
  3. Restart Windows XP in Safe Mode.
  4. Delete WgaTray.exe from C:\Windows\System32.
  5. Delete WgaTray.exe from C:\Windows\System32\dllcache.
  6. Launch RegEdit.
  7. Browse to the following location: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\Notify
  8. Delete the folder WgaLogon and all its contents
  9. Reboot Windows XP.

WordPress Plugin to fix Facebook Like Thumbnail

Today, Facebook pushed live another change which made Like button work similar to what we had known the Share button to do. Just to brush up, Share button was used to show the Title, Description and a screenshot of the page which you shared and the Like button would only show up as a line that the user liked XYZ Story on ABC site. But now after the new change is live, like button functions the same as the Share button.
Here is a screenshot of how the new like would show up on your profile:
I don’t like the move as people tend to like a lot more stuff than what they share. This is going to stuff the stream with lots of noise. After like is not, and can’t be equivalent to share. I might like a post on Ubuntu tutorial but is that something I would want to share with everyone else. No! But that’s totally a different story.
Coming back to the point, many sites would show up random image of their page instead of an appropriate image. I have seen this on several blogs including mine, that sometimes an advertisement image would show up (from the sidebar), or a totally unrelated image of my another project (from the footer). so, I took this opportunity today to fix it for everyone.
You can check what thumbnail would Facebook show for a particular page by using their Lint tool.
The problem can be solved for non-WordPress based or html sites or whatever, by adding this line to their head section.
<link rel="image_src" href="" />

Deal with Blog Scrappers getting indexed quicker than the original site

Although its not something that one should be worried about as such things often happen, and its actually a sign that you are growing. I would suggest you to just keep going on with the quality content on your site and not to worry about them scrapping your articles. Google does a pretty good job in killing spam blogs. They generally gain traction for a month or so and then they are completely gone.
But sometimes it might happen that the spam blog site might be getting indexed quicker than the original site when your original site is pretty much new, so it can be a temporary hold for your organic traffic growth. In such case, we can deal with them by delaying the feeds for a certain amount of time as all these scrappers work by pulling articles from your feeds and then publishing your articles on their site. free Internet Radio hack is a great service which scrobbles (track) what music you listen to and then recommend you new music based on what you like to listen. You can totally keep your music database online and discover new music that you will actually like. It works great. It offers an Internet radio service which is paid for countries other than US / UK / Germany. So, if you are from any other country, the trick is to use a country based proxy for listening to your radio for free.
For the purpose of this post, I assume that you are ready running the scrobbler (tool which sends your music statistics to In the menu, select Tools, and then options.

Using Ubuntu Notification System – NotifyOSD

Ubuntu features a notification system, where you can see a message notifying you about some particular event. Rhythmbox uses it to show the next track when a track ends, Filezilla shows a notification that file transfers are completed when its window is not in focus (Very handy!) and so on several applications can use it to notify users in the same way (keeping the UI consistent, which is a good design principle).

Rhythmbox Song Notification

rhythmbox notify

Filezilla Transfer Complete Notification

filezilla notify

Which one to use WP_Query vs query_posts() vs get_posts()?

There are several instances where we want to display content other than what WordPress displays at a particular page. There are three methods which you can use, but each of them is meant for a specific purpose, otherwise why would they have existed? Makes sense? Good!
Some tutorials use one, some other and many of them are in fact incorrect because they might seem to get the job done but in certain cases they cause side effects, such as modified global variables on which other functionality may rely.
The fight is in between using WP_Query or query_posts or get_posts. Rarst created a great chart to explain what is going on in the three approaches to make it easy to understand the working. which I totally recommend checking out.
wordpress query

WordPress plugin Facebook Like Thumbnail Updates

I have updated my WordPress plugin to fix Facebook Like Thumbnails to version 0.2 which I am sure will make the existing users happy!
Some of the users who quickly upgraded might be facing issues because of a silly mistake on my part. If the plugin has disappeared from the plugins listing, then you would have to delete the folder “facebook-like-thumbnail” folder in your plugins folder (/wp-content/plugins/) and then reinstall the plugin by typing “Facebook Like Thumbnail” in Add New Plugins screen. I apologise for the issue, please excuse me, I am not used to pushing updates to public repositories.
The plugin now features an options pages which can be found under Settings > Facebook Like Thumbnail. You can specify your default thumbnail image on that page, no more code edits are required. This was a necessary move as the users would have to edit the plugin to specify their default image after every upgrade.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Travel More, Save More With the SBS Season Pass

If you’re not blessed with a car, and commuting every morning is draining more of your money then you can afford, then say hello to the SBS transit Seasonal Pass. Remember those days when taking a bus meant flashing a card to the driver, instead of tapping your Ez-link card or looking for loose change to make up for the fare? Yes, life was much easier and cheaper then, and it’s about to make a come-back.
For a monthly fee of $98, holders of this concession pass can easily take buses from one point to the next without much hassle. It costs about $3.30 a day, and it allows for unlimited bus rides. Those who favour the MRT can always find alternative bus routes to take full advantage of this new installation by SBS Transit. You can easily transfer buses, without monetary worries. This is really a saviour for all those rainy or lazy days where one bus stop will make a world of difference for you. Particularly useful as well for those who live far from their workplaces, the Seasonal Pass will cap their transport expenses to $98 a month. However, the Pass is not applicable for rides on the Fast Forward and Express buses, or on the trains.
With unconditioned validity, the Season Pass can easily be purchased at all TransitLink Ticket Offices, selected NTUC FairPrice outlets, NTUC One-Stop Centre ( 1 Marina Boulevard ) and selected authorised agents. An application form has to filled first prior to the purchase. These forms can be retrieved at the above mentioned places, as well on the SBS website. The validity of the stamp, however, depends on the date of purchase, with it taking effect for a month from the date. With every new application, there is the option of the bulk purchase of 3 stamps for $240. NTUC members will get further rebates of $10 for a first-time application.

Transportation Tips for Tourist visiting Singapore

Airport Information: The Singapore Changi Airport is definitely one of the world’s best airports.
All the Terminals, Terminal 1(T1) and Terminal 2 (T2) offer a countless number of modern amenities which include cafes, business and computer terminals with free internet access, banks, several F&B outlets, moneychangers, laundry services, tax-free shops, a fitness centre, a 24-hour medical centre, a children’s play area and many other transit facilities.
Commuting between the two terminals is free and easy, as it takes about a minute to get from one point to another, via the Skytrain. It operates from 6am to 1.30am daily. 
When you are leaving the airport, buses, trains (MRT) and taxis are readily available at the airport. There is a surcharge of S$3 for taxi’s taken from the airport. This surcharge increases to S$5 between 5pm and 12am on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays.

Singapore Traveller Tips : General Tips when visiting Singapore

General Info
Due to the heat and humidity in Singapore, loose and light summer clothing pieces are highly recommended for everyone wanting to visit Singapore, and be able to enjoy it fully.
If you're here on business, the smart casual attire of long-sleeved or short-sleeved shirts or blouses and trousers and skirts are usually acceptable unless you are attending a formal business dinner or when specified on an invitation card. Suits and ties are optional for business meetings, although still recommended.
The voltage in Singapore is 220-240 volts AC, 50 cycles per second. Most hotels provide transformers and adapters on request. Otherwise, you should find one easily at most general stores. You should not spend more than S$15 for a converter.
English is widely spoken and written here in Singapore. It is the language of business and study. All signs and instructions here are also in English. Other local languages include Mandarin, Malay and Tamil depending on their races and dialects.

Singapore Custom Regulations & GST Tips for Travelers

Customs & Regulations
Visitors above 18 years of age arriving from any country (except Malaysia) who have spent more than 48 hours outside Singapore are allowed duty-free concessions of the following (a) 1 litre wine (b) 1 litre spirit and (c) 1 litre of beer. All these items must be for personal consumption only. There are no duty-free concessions on cigarettes or other tobacco products.
You are prohibited from bringing in:
  1. Cigarette lighters in the shape of a pistol or revolver, toy coins, obscene materials, endangered animal species and any items made from these animals.
  1. Controlled drugs such as heroin, cannabis, etc. Please note that drug trafficking is a capital offence in the Republic.
  1. Unauthorised reproductions (pirated & illegal) of copyright publications, CD-ROMs, videotapes / disks, video games, records or audio tapes / discs, seditious or treasonable material, motor vehicles, petroleum products, firecrackers and non-medical chewing gum are also not allowed.

Cookware For The Gourmet

Many home chefs are inspired to cook gourmet meals by watching culinary cooking shows on television. The cookware for the gourmet chef on television looked so shiny and magnificent that many home cooks wanted to experiment with the same tools that gourmet chef used during the television program. Finding those items used to be hard but people have found innovative cookware products online, on television and in the retail outlets in towns where they live.

The cookware used by gourmet chefs is often presented first through gourmet cookware conventions. Name brand cookware designers will introduce cookware selections so that people know that each part serves a certain purpose. In the past, home cooks had to rely on one certain pot to create all meals in, but today, the gourmet cookware sets have up to 14 or more pots with enchanting covers on them. Gourmet chefs usually hang those cookware sets from hooks that hang from the ceiling to give the effect to people that they are entering a professional's kitchen.

Product Guides For Cookware

Most people will make a natural assumption that all cookware can be used over open heat. If they had consulted the product information that came with the cookware set, the manufacturers might have alerted cookware owners that certain parts would not be suitable for use in an oven. Product guides found through internet searches might have provided more information on product use and other alerts from owners of the same type of cookware that state the cookware is also not considered safe to use in a microwave ovens.

When this cookware style is sold brand new, many retailers will fail to guide customers on the proper methods of using cookware and are surprised when the customer returns it to the store. Customers gain a lot of information about cookware from store demonstrators that are marketing a certain brand name of cookware for a short while. Bargain shoppers cannot expect to find product guides for cookware that has been gently used because the product information has been removed by that time and only the cookware remains.

Barbecue Grill On Sale

Before you even countdown to your most awaited summer camping, barbecue grill is just around the corner. Your grill needs a replacement and your family deserves one that will create delightful, mouth watering and tantalizingly appealing steaks. Today might just be the perfect time for you to check out a barbecue grill that has been on sale. While your kids are daydreaming of the outdoor steak feast that they have sumptuously enjoyed last time, get the most discounted prices guaranteed with superior quality just perfect for a delicious treat!

There are important considerations to jot down on your notebook before buying. If you have eyed on one grill during the past couple of days, think and recall if you particularly like that model because of how it looks. Include the following notes before you spend your dollar on it.

Healthy Steamed Vegetables On The Barbecue Grill

My inspiration comes from cooking corn cobs. When doing them on the barbecue grill it's important to soak the husks for a good 30 minutes in water so that when heat is applied the leaves steam and cook the kernels. Having tried the corn over charcoal idea a couple of times, sparks of inspiration started to fly in all directions as I thought about how we might steam other vegetables on the outdoor barbecue grill. No sooner had I tried the base concept and the menu ideas came thick and fast.

Essentially were going to steam the vegetables in foil packs and the real beauty of cooking this way is that you can put the foil packs on the grill while the charcoal is still settling down and because of the foil protection there's no chance to burn the food. By the time the vegetables are cooked, the charcoal is ready for the meat, do the remainder of the cookout and while the meat is resting for five minutes simply slap the foil parcels back on to warm through.

Why Fruit is Essential for your Body

One thing that everyone has to do in order to survive is eat food and drink water. Along with air, food and water are the two other key elements that we need in order to allow our bodies to function. There is plenty of choices when it comes to food. However, it is well recommended that you eat a very nutritional balanced mean so that you can let your body work to full capacity. One essential area you should always keep track of is fruits.

Fruits are some of the best items we can eat because they contain so many good vitamins and minerals that our bodies thrive on. In all reality, fruits are pretty delicious, yet many people avoid them for one reason or another. The following will go over the nutritional facts of different popular fruit that we all have tried at least once unless your allergic to fruit or something like that.

Safety Tips and Emergency numbers for Tourist visiting Singapore

Disabled Travelers
A guidebook titled Access Singapore contains useful information for physically disadvantaged visitors. It can be found online at the website for the Disabled People’s Association
Alternatively, you can enquire at National Council of Social Service, Tel: (+65) 6210 2500.
When entering Singapore, please ensure that you have valid passports or internationally-recognised travel documents with have return tickets and sufficient funds kept handy for the duration of your stay here in Singapore.

5 Secrets for Making an Award Winning Chili

(1) Aroma - The chili should smell appealing, like something that you would want to taste. When you smell the chili, you should think of words such as scent, fragrance or aroma. These words describe good or pleasant odors. If you think of words like stench, reek or stink, then you might have a tough time getting people to try a bowl full.

For most people, smelling gives them little information about the ingredients or the amounts of those ingredients in the chili. But the odor can provide information that relates to the emotional impact of the food.

(2) Consistency - The chili, whether in a bowl or in the cooking pot, should be a smooth combination of the meat, or meats, and gravy. A winning chili should not be lumpy with big chunks of vegetables or meat. Sometimes, if it is too lumpy, it could be a sign that the chili may be too dry.

The chili should not be greasy or watery from all of the meat or either canned or bottled tomatoes. A winning chili should just be good and smooth.

How to Sharpen Kitchen Knives Using Sharpening Steel?

But there are some exception, some cheap knives are disposable so it's doesn't require any sharping, but for quality knives that last forever, you need to know how to sharpen them properly. If you want more tips about how to choose quality kitchen knives, you can visit my blog listed below or my listed branded best kitchen knives company here.

Anyway, I used to sharpen my quality kitchen knives using sharpening stone. But I found using sharpening steel is handier but it's takes a bit of skill to do it properly.

Basically, how to sharpening your kitchen knives have 4 steps:

1. Hold the sharpening steel in your left hand steadily.

2. With another hand, hold your kitchen knife.

3. With the kitchen knife at a 10- to 25-degree angle to the steel, hold the steel rod steady and draw the knife blade down the steel.

4. Repeat the steps several times until the entire cutting surface of the kitchen knife has been drawn across the sharpening steel on both sides of the blade.

Well, there you have it!

Tips to remember and take away is to even pressure and have an equal number of strokes on each side of the blade.

Proper angle is also the key to properly sharpening your knive too.

All this will take some practice to make it perfect.

Buying Kitchen Mixers

Ignore all those infomercials for fancy (and essentially useless) kitchen gadgets. Instead, you should spend your time and effort on choosing the perfect kitchen mixer. A kitchen mixer is one of those appliances that every serious cook needs. A good stand mixer can save you hours of work in the kitchen doing a huge variety of kitchen jobs. No cook should be without one.

But not all kitchen mixers are created equal, and having a low-quality stand mixer can be almost as bad as not having one at all. Like other appliances, good quality stand mixers are a great investment, as these machines can last for years-- even decades. If you spend the time and money finding the perfect one, you won't have to worry about buying another for a very long time.

Understanding Vegans

Cooking for the vegan is more or less like cooking for any other ethnic or religious group which restricts certain things from their diet. A little creativity will win you some big points with your vegan customers, and furthermore will help conquer a niche market. Vegans often mourn the lack of restaurants that cater to their needs. Providing some imaginative menu entries for vegan customers will make a happy patron who spreads good word of mouth to their vegan friends!

Understanding Vegans...

Vegans are vegans for any combinations of these reasons:

_Health_ The vegan diet includes whole grains, beans, soy products, olive oil, fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, and fresh spices. Resultantly, they argue, their diet is very high in protein, vitamins, beneficial monounsaturated fats, and antioxidants and other micronutrients, while being moderate in sodium, calories, and saturated fats. In addition, they automatically exclude those scary food contamination problems that strike their meat-eating counterparts, such as e. coli and mad cow disease.

Popular Hotels in Singapore

Not surprisingly, hotels are the most popular choices of accommodation for tourists. There’s easily one to suit the needs and budget of every one who chooses to visit Singapore. Prices  range from about $ 160 to $600 and there are plenty that are located within the shopping and business districts of Singapore. Ideally, these locations make it much easier for travelers to enjoy everything Singapore has to offer, from its architectural splendor to its shopping craze.
Do note that while hotels in Singapore do offer broadband internet access, some can be outrageously expensive. There are many internet cafes which provide’s cheap Internet access.
Some of the popular hotels in Singapore are:
a. Copthorne Hotel Singapore   k. Excelsior Hotel Singapore
b. Four Seasons Singapore   l. Four Seasons Hotel Singapore
c. Grand Hyatt Singapore   m. Gallery Hotel Singapore
d. Pan Pacific Singapore   n. Golden Landmark Hotel Singapore
e. Swissotel Singapore   o. Mandarin Hotel Singapore
f. City Bayview Hotel Singapore   p. Marina Mandarin Singapore
g. Elizabeth Hotel Singapore   q. Peninsula Singapore
h. Grand Central Singapore Hotel   r. Phoenix Hotel Singapore
i. Fullerton Hotel   s. York Hotel Singapore
j. Raffles Hotel      
   If you are planning to stay in Singapore Sentosa island, you can try The Sentosa Resort & Spa,  Sentosa Amara, Sentosa Sijori Resort and Shangri-La Rasa Sentosa Resort.

Alternatively, there are a variety of good hostels and service apartments that you can choose from that will provide you with just as much comfort in SIngapore

Discover Easy Ways To Decorate Your Christmas Cake

One of the quickest designs is a pattern using any of the following: semi-dried fruits, glace fruits, angelica, cherries and different types of nuts. But keep to three or four varieties, otherwise the design becomes too cluttered. If the top of the cake is rounded, cut off, and upturn the cake so the base becomes the top surface. Boil half a jar of apricot jam and press through a sieve. Brush the top surface of the cake with the jam, and cover with a design of fruit and nuts - a circular design for a round cake and straight lines for a square cake. To give the decoration an attractive shine (and to hold the fruit and nuts in place) brush over with jam, and lastly, tie a wide, red or green ribbon around the cake. A similar decoration can be made with marzipan fruits.

The Most Amazing Mouthwatering Steak

The most palatable of all ways to cook a steak is simply to grill it. The best grilling steaks are actually sirloin steaks, but these steaks tend to be a little bit tough. Two other excellent grilling steaks are the T-bone steak, and the porterhouse steak, because the bone or bones in them add an additional flavor to them. Rib-eye steaks also make superb grilling steaks, along with rib steaks. Because of steep prices, filet mignon steaks are not your typical grilling steaks. The best grilling steaks are those that are thick rather than thin, because thin grilling steaks tend to form an interesting crust around them, which can interfere with how the steak is cooked. There is absolutely nothing that is comparable to a barbecue experience on a warm summer day, grilling steaks with your friends and family.

Essential tips on getting freebies in Singapore

Everyone fancies a bargain, but mention that it is free and everyone loves it even more! Those who do not believe in a free lunch can now eat their words because it is possible to get things for free in Singapore without any conditions attached. Let me introduce you to some tips on where and how to score some giveaways, all without even touching your wallet.

Top Notch Grilling Recipes

How do you know if your grilling recipes are top notch? A good indicator that your grilling recipes are the best around would be if they cause your friends to have tremors simply by thinking about the tender, juicy creations that you are cooking up. The thought of grilling recipes typically conjures incredible visions of over sized slabs of meat in the form of smoked ribs, spare ribs, lamb chops, hamburger patties and much more. What makes grilling recipes so fun, is the fact that there are also many great appetizer recipes which compliment traditional grilling quite well. For example, you should be able to use your barbecue or grill to make pizzas, hot and spicy wings, and a variety of other delicious snacks, even burritos and fajitas in the right circumstances.

How To Use A Cooking Recipe

A cooking recipe is a series of instructions on how to prepare a meal. It will list down the ingredients required as well as preparation instruction and other useful information to make your cooking a success. By following the instructions the cooking recipe, you will be able to come up with new dishes. Cooking recipes are used not only by novice but by professional chefs around the world.

In order to take full advantage of the cooking recipe, it got to be used in the right way. Many people do not know how to use a cooking recipe correctly. They usually jump right in and before you know it, faces problem with their cooking.

Browse Through The Cooking Recipe

The Best Of Cookware Sets To Choose From

The true essence of cooking is the cookware sets. It is true that your culinary expertise play a vital role in cooking, buy the importance of cookware sets in the process is undeniable. With proper cookware sets, your cooking improves and the whole experience of experimenting in the kitchen becomes even more efficient. Cookware sets, thus are like the tools of the craftsman without which the craft cannot take shape.

When so much importance is given to the cooking then these cooking devices deserve equal importance. Through this article, we will guide you to the world of cookware sets and their significance in the kitchen. What's more? You can also gather more information by going through this article and find the most popular products.

Blenders For The Modern Kitchen

The modern kitchen without a blender is incomplete. It helps in performing various task of grating the food, whipping the cream and many more. To choose from the endless options is a real tough job as there are The Gas Powered model, The Immersion model, the Electric model, the Cordless one, Portable Blender, Battery Operated version, Hand Blender, Mini Blender, Stick model and the stainless steel model. These devices are manufactured as per your need and convenience.

Some of these devices are unique and can do the bone crushing job with ease. Some are handy and does not require space whereas some are huge and requires proper place to store. All the blenders come with different attachment for different purposes

Christmas Baked Goods Can Become Unique Gifts

Christmas is the time of gifts. Every year new items appear that can be gifted. What about something simple and home made? Something like home made cookies that can be gifted? That will look unique and the recipient will be happy that you spent much time to prepare the gift. The gift was not simply picked up off the shelves and sent. Do you agree with me? Here is one idea.

Christmas brings lots of surprises and one that I am thinking of giving my family this year is a new sweet treat. Cookies, candies, fruit and nuts are the usual fare for Christmas, but I have decided to bake a new creation I just read about called SWIRLED TURTLE BROWNIES. I am sure that everyone in my family will enjoy these delights and I know that I will. You can use home baked sweets as a gifts, too.

Changi Airport Budget Terminal – Travelling On A Budget

The addition of Changi Airport’s budget terminal creates juxtaposition to the already-established brand name. It is not as chichi as the two major terminals, not with as much options as them, and definitely, you will feel the inferiority. Not that we can complain much, since the definitive lifestyle here is budget. Sure, it’s not as cool or as Versace as most travellers would like it to be, but it’s fuss-free and spared of the frills of other major airports.
Servicing mainly SIA’s premiere budget airline, Tiger Airways, the third instalment of Singapore’s welcoming ambassador, your budget is not restricted to just your flight. Firstly, food options are greatly limited. From Genki Sushi, O'Briens, Killiney Kopitiam to Polar Puffs and Cakes, all well-established outlets in the mainland, there does not seem to be that option to relish in the luxurious notion of travel alone. Secondly, the atmosphere lacks the expected hustle and bustle of the world’s famous airport, particularly at the departure lounge. A lot of the activities seemed to be highly constrained to the Arrival hall.  Plastic chairs and oddly rainbow-painted walls add on to the meagre and almost bare offerings of this last memory you will have of Singapore.
However, credits have to be given to its transport and communication. A considerable amount of baggage space is given to travellers on the bus service from Terminal 2.  On top of that, the cost-saving ends with the great number of internet kiosks available for the travellers.  You may be on a budget while on the go, but at least, you can still remain connected. 
In spite of all the seemingly-lacking features that make the budget terminal pale in comparison to its predecessors, chances are many will not mind. Singapore has already established her metropolitan and chic appeal to her citizens and travellers, that, perhaps, the changes will not really add up much to the general memories they have in Singapore. Click for an overview of all Travellers Tips in Singapore

A Easy Guide To Gourmet Food

A Gourmet is someone who has expert knowledge and enjoyment of food and drink. It follows therefore, that it relates to the preparation of high quality food that is at once sophisticated, luxurious, rare and carefully groomed. Gourmet foods are most likely one of the most talked about food items and least understood. There are virtually hundreds of foods that come under this particular category. This list of foods includes meats, drinks, deserts, cheese, fruits and many more. In fact, it is considered to be a delicacy that tastes heavenly.

Those who like it will agree to the fact that gourmet food is as much a treat for the eyes as it is for the palette. While serving it, presentation is meticulously planned and executed so that the senses can be tempted and eating becomes a completely self-absorbing act. Here we have brought to you some delicious examples of foods that qualify as gourmet. These include smoked salmon, foie gras; pate, truffles, mushrooms, condiments, specialty meats, oil; vinegar, cheese, chocolates.

Electric Smoker - a Modern Gadget for Traditional Cooking

Electric smokers are modern gadgets for an age-old tradition. Smoke cooking has been around for centuries but Americans are still hooked and fascinated with the flavorful aroma of smoked meat up to this day. Proof? The fact that smokers are still very much in demand just like the ubiquitous grill. But modern living is not as compatible with this type of cooking at times because of the time and the attention it requires. The answer to this is the electric smoker.

Electric smokers still smoke food the traditional way - you still need hours on end to do the meat. You still use wood chips or sawdust for the flavor. And you still come up with great-tasting smoked products. But the difference lies in the fact that you need not 'baby sit' your smoker. You put in the meat, set the timer, thermometer and smoke gauge and leave it as it quietly smokes your food to perfection. This is a perfect solution for the cooks who like to throw in their food and forget about it until it's ready. These user-friendly smokers simply need to be plugged into an electrical source to do their work, effectively removing all fire-tending duties from the smoking process.

Easy Recipes For Delicious Salads

Salads are nutritional and can be the great source of vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, minerals and lot more. They are considered as light meal and much more than an appetizer. Their preparation mostly involves vegetables (leafy vegetables) and sometimes fruits. The dressing forms the crux of it, which differentiates the taste of different salads. Occasionally it is prepared with meat, fish cheese or nuts, which makes it a high calorie-content. Basically these delicacies are healthy with low calories, most commonly found on every dining table in US

The most commonly consumed green salad consists of variety of vegetables like lettuce, spinach or arugula. This is not all, as the recipes can also be seen with tomato, cucumber, peppers, mushrooms, onions, spring onions, and red onions, carrot and reddish. We come across people who love to try different things in their daily diet they make different combinations in the same dish to give it different taste and flavor. For this reason we find green salads complimented with pasta, olives, cooked potatoes, croutons, beans, rice meat, cheese and fish. That is why salad is not just any mixture of leafy vegetables but needs proper garnishing and serving with of course the right mix of ingredients.

How To Pick Up The Right Dish To Prepare

In its full sense, cooking means not only the ability to follow recipes, thereby producing a successfully cooked dish, but also the ability to select materials, a knowledge of the ways in which to prepare them, an understanding of their value for the persons for whom they are prepared and ingenuity in serving foods attractively and in making the best use of food that may be left over from the previous meals, so that there will be practically no waste.

A factor that should not be disregarded in the problem of food is waste. We should understand the distinction between waste and refuse. These terms are thought by some to mean the same thing and are often confused, but there is a decided difference between them. Waste, as applied to food and cooking, is something that could be used but is not, whereas refuse is something that is rejected because it is unfit for use. For example, the fat of meat, which is often eaten, is waste if it is thrown away, but potato parings, which are not suitable for cooking, are refuse.